

The branch of our business activities that deals with App planning and development.

We leverage our in-house knowledge of developing web apps, mainly using the established Progressive Web App (PWA) technology. This is used mostly to deliver finished apps for our clients. In some cases we use it to develop a wireframe which acts as a brief for native app developers, saving clients significant time and money when it comes to native app development.


“Appcomm” Mobile Apps – something for everyone

image of mobile app wireframing

Save time and cost with our wireframing service to plan your site or app

appcomm marketing apps

Make the most of Progressive Web Apps, with offline capability or Web Apps for WordPress.

image of wireframing exerciseFor any software project, including websites, apps and portals that are more than a few pages, planning the structure early on is vital.

We use the term “wireframing” and have applied it to great benefit on many websites and web applications.

Two key benefits of wireframing are saving costs at the development stage and improving the user experience.


For more information, visit our Appcomm website here